Did You Know


The 360 Deal”

Be Careful What You Sign!

The 360 deal is a contract/agreement between an artist and a record label whereby the record label is entitled to take a percentage of ALL the artist’s income streams, including publishing royalties, merch sales, record sales and even money derived from concert and ticket shows.

This simple implies that the label takes a cut from almost everything you earn, not just record sales. While it is every artist’s dream to have a label as a backbone, caution needs to be applied too as you could end up losing a huge chunk of your earnings just because a label is milking you.

How to not be a vi3tim of the 360 deal.

Prevention is better than cure, they say. As an artiste, before signing any contract, make sure you:

  • Read and understand every sentence or phrase in the agreement. Understand what percentage of your income the label will take.
  • Seek advice and consultations with a music industry lawyer or manager to ensure you’re making an informed decision. 

N.B: We also offer these services at IMJA Lifestyle. 

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